Dax: "mom, open up my backpack and get out that blue piece of paper"
Me: "Okay" I open up the paper and it is a beautiful rainbow surrounded by hearts. "wow that is very nice." I say
Dax: "Yeah, Avery made it for me" (a little girl in his class)
Me: "wow, she must really like you"
End of conversation, until 20 minutes later....
Dax: "hey mom"
Dax: "You know that paper in my backpack?"
Me: "yes, what about it?"
Dax: "Well, I made it for myself..."
Me: confused "wait Dax, did you make it for yourself or did Avery make it for you?"
Dax: Pauses, sighs and then says "well, Avery really made it for me, but she wanted me to tell you that I made it for myself so that you wouldn't know that she loves me"
Me: Chuckles to myself. Thinks oh great here we go!
Dax: "yeah mom, Avery used to like me but she doesn't like me anymore. She LOVES me." "Isn't that crazy mom"
And I end the conversation with, What about Sofie and Isabel? (two other little girls in his class that he likes.
Dax: "well, I still like Isabel the best."
Oh my goodness! Nate starts kindergarten next year and we're seeing teeny, tiny signs of the boy girl stuff too. Funny conversation!
Too cute!
... but scary at the same time!
Do 5-year-olds already fall in love???
I am so out of the loop here!
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