Saturday, October 18, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

ready to enlist!!!

Ethan is army crawling!!!!!!! Tonight we had some friends over and we were playing video games. Ethan kept tugging on the cords and getting tangled in them. So I moved Ethan to the other side of the living room away from the cords. A few minutes later I see Ethan rolling to one side and pushing with his opposite leg. Then he rolls to the other side and pushed with his other foot. He made it all the way across the living room. I almost burst with pride. He still is not sitting up yet but he sure knows how to get what he wants. I made him do it several times just to make sure it was real. When he got tired of doing it he took over the attitude, "I'm done, just give me what I want." It just goes to show that kids are capable of much more than they let on.

Also, My friend Kadi and I were interviewed a few weeks back by CNS news here is a link to our stories.



Monday, October 13, 2008

Buddy walk

We had our first Buddy walk on Saturday and it was amazing. There were so many people there. I almost started to cry when I saw everbody walking down Garfield in their blue shirts.

They had a lot of stuff for kids to do. They had games and crafts and face painting. They also had a pie eating contest which my husband and son really enjoyed!

Okay, I"ll admit, I enjoyed it too!

I took so cute pictures of Ethan and his girlfriend Ayla!

Here is Ayla pulling up her shirt for Ethan. HA HA

Here are some more cute pictures of the little lovebirds

I can't wait until our next buddy walk!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Buddy Walk

Tomorrow is our Buddy walk and I am so excited!!!!

Overheard today from my son. "Emma, throw those toys at my head. It won't hurt"

Of course, I had to investigate further only to find that my son was wearing a hard hat. Too cute!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

My sweet boy

The other day I was at therapy with Ethan and I met a new mom of a 10 week old baby. She was still having a hard time with her son's diagnosis. I felt so bad for her. I remember being there too. The only difference is I found out during my pregnancy and she found out after. I have heard some people say that they are glad they didn't find out. For me I am really glad I knew. While at first it was hard, it did give me a chance to learn about Down syndrome before he got here. I also had my chance to grieve. I remember so clearly in my mind the day I got my amnio results. I really felt like I had just lost a close member of my family. I remember not being able to even drive to work because all I could do was cry. I can't imagine what people thought of me. Some family members thought I was worring for nothing. They didn't understand the pain I was feeling though. I tried my best to put on a happy face, but deep down I was a wreck. People told me "not to worry because as soon as I saw my son I would fall in love with him." I don't care how many times I heard it I just could not believe it. Now here it is 9 months later and I can't believe how much I DO love my son. I couldn't imagine my life without him. I feel so bad for that new mom and hope that she can get to the place I am at soon. As a matter of fact, one of my friends, who also has a daughter with Down syndrome told me at our support group meeting that she thinks I am going to be the president of our support group one day! I had to laugh at that. Watch out Lucy, here I come! My little man is still not sitting up yet. It is funny though, just as I am focusing on one thing he does something completly different to shift my attention. He is waving hi and bye now. I have to admit, he might be behind in his gross moter skills but he sure does not seem to be lacking in his social skills. Here is a little video of him waving!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

conversations with a 4 year old.....

ABUELA: Little miss Muffet sat on a Tuffett

DAX: What's a tuffet?

ABUELA: It is a seat. Eating her curds and whey.

DAX: What are curds and whey?

ABUELA: It is kind of like cottage cheese. Along came a spider.

DAX: Was it a friendly spider?

ABUELA: Oh just forget it!

DAX: What if someone kicks me while I am at school?

ME: Tell them that it is not nice and you won't be their friend if they keep kicking you.

DAX: What if they won't stop?

ME: Then tell your teacher.

DAX: Well what if she dosen't make them stop?

ME: Then kick them back

GRANDMA: Dax, you don't have to worry, Jesus and his angels are watching over you and they will protect you.

DAX: What will Jesus do if he see someone doing something bad?

GRANDMA: Well, he will still love them and protect them. All you have to do is tell Jesus you are sorry for being bad and not be bad anymore.

DAX: Mommy, what happens if someone kicks me at school?

ME: Okay Dax, we are done.

DAX: Mommy, How will Ethan recognize me when I put on my costume?

ME: Where did you get your vocabulary from?

Anyway, Last weekend we took the kids to the cider mill. The weather was perfect and the kids had a blast. Ethan was so good. He really enjoyed people watching. While we were there I saw a little girl who had Down syndrome. I wanted to talk to her parents but I couldn't gather enough courage. I don't know why I feel so scared to talk to them. I have a fear that they will get upset at me or that they will say something like, "My child does not have Down Syndrome" And give me a dirty look.. I know, silly right? I secretly hope that they will notice Ethan and approach me. Here are a few pictures from this weekend.

This weekend is our first buddy walk and I can not wait. It should be a lot of fun. The weather is supposed to be 71 and sunny. I am excited for my family to see everything that goes on. We are having a FEDS meeting tommorrow to give us the details of the buddy walk. Which reminds me, I need a sweet snack for 50-60 people. Better get started!