Today my cousins baby came over to visit my grandma. She is a month younger than Ethan. I didn't realize just how much it would sting to see her doing so much more than Ethan. I know he is behind, I guess I just still had hopes that he would do everything on time. She is already rolling over and grabbing her toes, she is almost sitting up and grabbing things a lot better than Ethan, she is even holding her own bottle. I don't even know why I am comparing them. I know every baby is different and I love Ethan for who he is. I just have incredibly high hopes for him. He recently had his 6 month check up and the doctor put him at a 4-5 month level for his gross moter skills and a 6 month level for everything else. I feel so bad for him. I know he is a happy little guy and doesn't know that he is behind. My heart just aches because I want for him to be able to do everything that everyone else is doing. Anyway enough feeling sorry for myself. Next Saturday is our support group picnic. I am excited to see everyone but I am a little nervous.