Yesterday, I went to a moms night out with our FEDS group. A few of us got into a discussion about having testing done after you have had a child with Down syndrome. I am one of those people who usually need to know. I was one of those kids who opened their Christmas presents before Christmas, I have always found out the sex of my children before they were born, and when my triple screen came back showing a higher-than-normal chance that my son would have Down syndrome, I did the amnio so that I could know for sure. I just don't usually like surprises. Even after I did find out that Ethan would have Down syndrome I was still terrified because of the unknown.
But my little boy has changed me for the better.
I no longer, have to know.
I am pregnant with my 4th child, due in early July. At first, I was going to do the CVS to know the earliest that I could. Then I was going to do the amnio, but that deadline came and went and I never had it done. I do not need to know because I realized that it doesn't matter.
I love my son and I will love this new little boy just the same. We will not know until he is born weather he will have that extra chromosome. I had never pictured my life having a child with Down syndrome in it, but now I have a hard time picturing it without. Thank you Ethan!
And now for some much needed updates on Ethan.
He is doing very well. He is a very active 2 year old little boy and sometimes I have a hard time keeping up with him. He can climb anything and has even climbed out of his crib already. I am so glad he is so active but WHEW! Slow down little man!! Ethan is doing extremely well at signing and has even started signing 3 words together. ( I will try to post some video later) He is also saying about 15-20 words. He can say, ma-ma, da-da, Emma, up, ball, bath, all done, Abeula (bay-la) cookie, more, drink, Granny (na-nee), uh-oh, what's that, this. He is starting to repeat words back to me. Nothing huge, just some small words and I can't even put down all of the words that he is signing. He is just one amazing little boy.
So far we have had a healthy winter. Ethan was hospitalized overnight because he caught the stomache flu from his older brother and became dehydrated. Other than that we have just had the occasional runny nose (so common during Michigan winters.) The thickened liquids have helped so much. Now if we could just get the thick-it covered by insurance. HMMM.